Our Regions
Our Regions are the primary place of belonging for Pioneer churches.
Our Regions help to provide connection and support for leaders, as well as offering them opportunities for training and development through Learning Communities, Leaders Days and zooms. Our Regions also help to build strong relationships and partnerships across different churches in the region, enabling them to share great ideas and best practices to more effectively serve their local communities. Some Regions also have Regional Celebrations which help whole church communities know they are part of Pioneer.
In each Region there is at least one Resource church and each Region is overseen by a Regional Leader/s.
We believe that the local church is the primary agent of the Kingdom of God and Regions will see strong and healthy churches planted of all shapes and sizes, and will see existing churches resourced and growing.
When a church wants to join Pioneer, it will be the Regional Leader who they first connect with.
What are the key purposes of Pioneer Regions?
Outwork Pioneer’s mission
Our Regions will be outworking our purpose of taking the gospel to new places and spaces. Leaders’ days and relational oversight of churches will always have a missional lens to encourage a rich diversity of missional activity, evangelistic initiatives, church planting and local community projects. When churches in the Region are looking to plant another expression of church, the Region will get behind that in prayer, celebration and where appropriate taking up offerings to support the new work.
Connect and belong
Our Regions are the primary place of belonging for Pioneer churches. Most Regions will be between 10-15 churches meaning that church leaders will be able to develop genuine friendships with leaders in their Region and journey together. Every Region has a whatsapp group for leaders to share prayer requests, moments of celebration and key challenges with each other. Regional Celebrations also help whole church communities know they are part of Pioneer.
The development of Ephesians 4 ministries in each Pioneer Region, working together out of relationship, provide inspiration and breakthrough to leaders and churches within the Region. We encourage a flow of ministry across Pioneer Regions with Eph 4 ministries being invited into churches. Each Regional Leader is encouraged to form a Regional Team around them. Churches are inspired as they hear about the stories of what God is doing across their Region.
Each Region will hold a varied programme of equipping made up of Leaders Days, Learning Communities and zooms. The content of the Regional programme is created to fit the needs of the churches that gather, ensuring that churches are getting what they need for their growth and development. Some Regions will also gather ministry leaders together across the Region and provide support and mentoring into specific areas of church life.

Led by Richard & Judith Anniss
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Led by
Ness Wilson
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Led by
Graham Blake
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Led by
Linda Ward
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Led by Paul & Paula Weston
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Click HereWhat are the key purposes of Pioneer Regions?
Pioneer Regions serve four main purposes:
Connecting leaders
Regions are gathering places for leaders with regular Leaders Days and training events. The Pioneer Regional Leader ensures that each church is connected to a Pioneer Region and has the right amount of support for its growth and development.
Serving churches
The development of Ephesians 4 ministries in each Pioneer Region, working together out of relationship, provide support and challenge to leaders and churches within the Region. We encourage a flow of ministry across Pioneer Regions, resource churches and other Pioneer churches.
Training and equipping leaders
Our vision is to train and equip leaders who are able to bring effective leadership in both the church and society. We do this in a variety of ways through Pioneer Regions – courses, teaching programmes, conferences, seminars and internships.
Developing mission strategy
Each Pioneer Region will develop a mission strategy to serve their particular community or region through a rich diversity of missional activity, evangelistic initiatives, church planting and local community projects. We are not looking to propagate particular models or theories of church and mission, but to nurture its fruit in changed lives and transformed communities through whatever model or means is demanded by each context.