

Pioneer is a relational network that connects, inspires and equips churches in the UK and globally. Pioneer churches work in partnership with a wide variety of churches and organisations in the UK and overseas.

We recognise the breadth, richness and diversity that exists within the Body of Christ and welcome connection with, and input from, other ministries and networks.

Although we rarely provide activities directly for children or adults with care and support needs, we recognise our responsibility to model best safeguarding practice and offer safeguarding resources and support to those in our network.

We carry out a safeguarding audit every 2 years for all member churches to ensure standards are continually up to date and they are appropriately following best practice wherever possible.

For clarification, a ‘Pioneer Church’ is not a legal entity of Pioneer. Whenever stated in this policy or on our website, a ‘Pioneer Church’ is considered a third-party affiliate. Please refer to each church’s Safeguarding Policy when visiting their church or communicating with them.

Our safeguarding policy is currently being updated, once complete, it will be available here.