Our Purpose:
Our Values:
Relational > Missional > Charismatic > Kingdom-orientated

We are Relational
God is community and, we believe, it is only in community that we can accurately reflect Him and see real and lasting fruit.
We honour and celebrate multi generational and multi ethnic diversity within the context of our relationships.
We recognise that anointed leadership is a grace gift given to serve, with humility, in the context of community. Leadership authority is based on relational authority
We value the contribution of both women and men at every level of leadership.
Now you are the body of Christ and each one of you is a part of it
We are Missional
The mission of God has a church and we see ourselves as co-workers with God in His mission – the reconciliation of all things in heaven and on earth under Christ.
The Good News about Jesus needs to be presented in a way that is relevant to our context through our words, actions and with a demonstration of God’s miraculous power.
We believe that justice and social action are central to the message of Jesus.
As the Father has sent me, so I am sending you
JOHN 20:21

We are Charismatic
Our life and faith is energised and informed by a living experience of the Holy Spirit, both individually and corporately.
We believe in a God who breaks into time and space by His Holy Spirit, bringing revelation, healing bodies, sharing spiritual gifts and performing miraculous signs.
Our spiritual life is rooted in the Scriptures and informed by church history.
We believe in the full functioning of the five fold ministries of apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers.
All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit enabled them.
ACTS 2:4
We are Kingdom Orientated
We believe that the whole of life and creation is sacred. We, therefore, look to express a culture and lifestyle of worship that has no sacred-secular divide as we celebrate all of life.
We have a strong commitment to equipping everyone to engage across all spheres of life – business, politics, media, community, education, creativity and the arts.
We are committed to the unity of the Body of Christ and will seek to partner with others wherever possible.
The earth is the Lord’s and everything in it, the world and all who live in it.
PSALM 24:1

Pioneer Impact Report 2024
Pioneer is growing and making an increasing impact in villages, towns and cities all over the UK and is now operating in twenty different Nations across the world.
We have been working hard behind the scenes, serving and strengthening local churches in many different ways, believing that the genius of Pioneer is the local church.
This report gives you a flavour of the key headlines around the growth and health of Pioneer, what we’re offering as a network and the collective impact we’re having.