Pioneer Midlands – led by Ness Wilson
Ness is the Pioneer UK Leader. She leads Open Heaven Church in Loughborough, is on the Core Team for the Wildfires Festival, sits on the Evangelical Alliance Council and is a Trustee for LICC. Ness is the Regional Leader for Pioneer Midlands and together with the Midlands Regional Team, she works into the Midlands churches. Ness is our ‘champion’ for women in leadership across the network.
The Pioneer Midlands Region has churches which are mostly located across the East Midlands and West Midlands together with 1 church up in Belfast and 1 church in Harlington. Most of the Pioneer Midlands churches are located in towns or villages. We have a Pioneer Midlands Whatsapp group for encouragement, prayer and connection and we gather as leadership teams in person, midweek once a term interspersed by evening zoom calls. We have covered topics such as embedding vision, values, culture, team health and more recently we had a year’s worth of content from LICC on helping churches make whole life disciples. We have a newly formed Pioneer Midlands Regional Team and are looking forward to seeing Pioneer Midlands grow as a Region as churches get planted and churches join us.
Churches in Pioneer Midlands:
City Church Belfast
Franche Community Church - Kidderminster
Life Church Harlington
Life Church Lichfield
Open Heaven Church - Loughborough
The Community Church Burton & District
To Love Each Other
To Love Our World